The Kind Store

The Kind Store has huge goals and visions for our future. Our two main objectives are Sustainability and Kindness, with each goal set for our future we refer back to our objectives and ensure we are meeting them at each step. It might mean we get there a little slower but we will do it in the right way.


Today's society is beginning to think more about what kind of state we leave our planet in for the next generation. Setting a good example for our kids has never been more important.

We endeavour to practice sustainable sourcing in all areas of our business; from the materials we obtain, products, and services we need. We choose to work with suppliers that operate in a manner that is socially and environmentally responsible, while still being economically sound.

We hope that by doing our part and offering products that are made to love and last we can help educate younger generations and their families. Our product range is about items that last, they can be used in multiple ways and can be passed on through generations. With the hope that we are being a little kinder to our planet.

Sustainability is important to us, we will continue to learn and update our best practises where possibly to ensure and strive to do better wherever possible.



Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate, but the meaning of kindness goes far beyond that. Kindness is a wave that keeps rolling, and all it needs is one person to start the ripple effect.

How do we teach kindness and inspire others?

First we can start by being kind to ourselves, it’s in our nature to learn by watching others. It is so important to be kind to yourself and show kindness to those around you. People, and kids especially, can learn kindness just by seeing what you do!

Children are constantly learning right from wrong through play and social interactions. When you see or notice someone being kind tell them you appreciate what they did. Positive reinforcement helps fuels more good deeds and reminds them to act with intention.

Benefits of teaching kindness

Kindness is key in making good human beings and we all benefit from kindness whether we are on the giving or receiving end of it. We hope that by instilling principles of kindness in childhood it will be carried through to adulthood and if children learn best through play this is the best time to start!

Choose kindness

Remember it's cool to be kind and kindness is contagious. Let's help our littles learn how to be kind through play.